Lip Injection - After Care

Lip Injection after Care - Restylane | Juvederm

A post-injection guide

How do I take care of my plump lips after injection with a filler?
Congratulations on your decision to
Move forward with a lip treatment !
Many people have enjoyed the
Lip enhancement they’ve experienced
with hyaluronic acid filler injections,
and we hope you do, too.

Lip augmentation with fillers can cause swelling and bruising which can be cared for if you follow these simple rules. With any fillers injection especially into the lips, swelling and bruising can occur. Different filler have different swelling properties and depending on which filler you use can make a difference. Also the shape of the lips can determine the amount swelling it can handle.   At NewSkin Laser Center, we can determine which filler would fit your profile best to reduce the side effects.

As with all dermal filler injections, it’s important
to learn how to care for your lips after treatment,
and how to handle possible side effects. Read on
to learn what you can do to alleviate discomfort 
and get ready to show off the lips you’ll love.

What to expect after lip augmentation?
People who receive a lip treatment may
experience irritation or complications, but 
the majority of side effects that can occur
are tolerable and manageable. It's important
to note that hyaluronic acid fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm are not permanent treatments.
The most common side effects that people
experience after an injection are:

Please let us know of any symptoms you may experience. Most side effects should go away in a few days, typically no more than a few weeks. But in the meantime, there are 
steps you can take to minimize reactions.

Steps to your Best results
If you have any of the more common
symptoms mentioned previously, here are 
some steps you can take to minimize reactions 
and get comfortable.
- Apply cool compresses to injection site
(gently, without firm pressure) for 5 minutes 
up to 4 times a day.
- Reduce facial expressions/ lip pursing for 48 hours
- Do Not apply pressure to the lips (kissing, biting your lips)
- Avoid sun exposure as long as bruising persists
- Avoid massaging the injection area
- Keep head elevated while sleeping
- Avoid vigorous exercise for 24 hours
- Stay hydrated
Check with your injector at NewSkin Laser Center to learn 
more about what you can do to reduce any reactions that may arise.

What to avoid after lip augmentation?
Before and immediately following your lip
treatment, there are actions you should avoid
as they may cause bruising, swelling, and /or
other symptoms. These include:
- Rubbing and touching the treatment area
- Applying lipstick or Vaseline and other lip products
(directly after treatment)
- Consuming alcohol prior to your procedure

What should I do to reduce the side effects prior to my lip filler injection?
You may want to take some steps to ensure to reduce the risk of bruising, swelling and pain.  
To decrease your risk of bruising, avoid:
-Taking blood-thinning medications one week
prior to procedure, such as aspirin, warfarin, dipyridamole, clopidogrel, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), fish oil, vitamin E supplements, St John’s wort, garlic tablets, ginkgo biloba and ginseng.  (note: if you have a heart condition, please ask our medical doctor or your own physician prior to stopping any medications)

If you experience side effects that are not at least
50% reduced 3 days after treatment , contact NewSkin Laser Center at Northridge or Simi Valley. You may need a dose of steroids in extreme cases.   

Get ready for the results
While you may have some post-treatment Discomfort, these symptoms should be temporary.
Side effects should go away so you can show off your
enhanced lips in no time.
Again, congratulations on your decision to receive a lip treatment, and we look forward to seeing the results!

At NewSkin Laser Center we try to use a Blunt-tip micro-cannula for the injection of the lips.   Lip augmentation with Blunt tip Cannula is a new way to reduce bruising, swelling and increase comfort during the injection.   

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